Unicorns chillaxing |
Options |
The Sonqo family's work |
Daniel explaining everything |
Foraging Chil'ka |
My Peruvian lover |
Cochineal |
Passing time |
Best dog |
Cochineal 2 |
The perfect weaving situation |
Maia overlooking Parobamba |
This is real |
Small bug using larger spider as an incubation spot for its eggs. |
Portrait by Akner |
Akner in his element |
Twinsies! |
Reddssssss |
Yellowwwwssss |
Probably another unicorn |
A perfect teal with fungus and the amazing Leonarda |
Setting up the loom |
The best weaving teacher, Nielsen, setting up my loom |
An Inca tomb with skulls inside |
Akner grabs them and Daniel tells us about Incan tombs |
Akner collecting orchids |
Just some BEAUTIFUL horses in the road |
This guy |
My purchases and also how does the Sonqo family do it? These scarves are perfect. |