Monday, November 11, 2013

Parobamba, birthplace of unicorns.

Unicorns chillaxing

The Sonqo family's work

Daniel explaining everything

Foraging Chil'ka
My Peruvian lover


Passing time

Best dog 

Cochineal 2

The perfect weaving situation

Maia overlooking Parobamba

This is real

Small bug using larger spider as an incubation spot for its eggs.

Portrait by Akner

Akner in his element



Probably another unicorn

A perfect teal with fungus and the amazing Leonarda

Setting up the loom

The best weaving teacher, Nielsen, setting up my loom
An Inca tomb with skulls inside


Akner grabs them and Daniel tells us about Incan tombs

Akner collecting orchids

Just some BEAUTIFUL horses in the road

This guy

My purchases and also how does the Sonqo family do it? These scarves are perfect.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013


An ideal language system attempts to embody and is shaped by the lived experience of its speakers. Each language is specific to the landscape of its origin and the emotional response that specific environment creates within its inhabitants. The languages of colonization introduce a separate set of cultural rules, taboos, and ideologies, creating friction and inequality while attempting to infiltrate the homes where other languages are heard.

Inhabitants of tough terrains seem to have an advantage over colonizers. With bodies that have adapted to the severe conditions found in high altitude environments, and a strong connection to the earth and sky where their native language can make sense of existence. Somehow, this does not offer enough protection from outside infiltration. The colonizers come and succeed, sometimes partially. It might be worse when the work isn't done because it leaves behind a trail of uncertainty, shame and the illusion of a "better" way.

Religion is the best tool to colonize but language is a close second. Introduce a group of people to a new way of speaking and interpreting their environment and you can guarantee a future mass-migration to a new place, most likely a city of immigrants all looking for the same thing. A place to fit in, to be valued and express their new identity.

Found poem from Notes from 1660 days ago

Seer and Looker
Dr. Edward Young
Rigor not originality
Dore Ashton
New York School and cultural reckoning
Jewishness vs. Buddhism
Suffering vs not
Art is useless
Politics in art
Hunger makes objects into food
Economy of Art
Scandinavia model supporting arts
George Soros
Eli Broad
Vincent to Theo
Autonomy in art is useless
Autonomy relies on not hearing the noise
True concept of liberty
When you get bored, cut yourself in half
The art of memory
Anxiety is life
Book about suffering
Acquired ADD
Sculpting in time.
Accidental abstraction of the plaza at night, 2013. Ollantaytambo, Cusco, Peru