Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My pictures are getting boring, I think I'm getting tired.

kinda creepy

best car ever.

Danish modern next to old Danish building styles.

beach basket

Monday, August 30, 2010

Flensburg - I'm on a boat!

spiral staircase!


kokoa mit sahne, and a boat

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pig Roast, Boris makes a guest appearance.

We were invited to a potluck. The dish I prepared was the first to go. Success in Bavaria. The spit machine broke so a bicycle wheel was attached and a young child was volunteered to steer the thing all night. It was tasty goodness.

Balls of pork and dough and more pork

7 pm


11 PM

It rained all day and night.

Friday, August 27, 2010

venus? that you?

No, it's Jupiter.

Snuff Machine, käsespätzle, schnapps

I've noticed that Bavarians like working really hard and then drinking lots of beer as a reward. The hike up to this hut was 30 minutes up a steep steep hill. I kinda cheated, I still had lots of beer and spatzle and yet my conscience is as clear as the Bavarian sky over Kempten.

Grüß Gott people!

Grated pasta with lots and lots of onions and cheese.


Batter fried apples with ice cream and whipped cream, flambe style.

Life elixer #2, the owner of the hut makes this stuff

This could have gone bananas but it was just tobacco in the sniffing machine

Fertile Bavaria

The sound of Bavarian hiking

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Onion Syrup

So I caught a cold on the nasty bus from Marseilles to Kempten. Tony pulled out his apothecary and instructed Christina how to make Onion syrup. Everything goes into this syrup, including two onions, obvs.

the cigarettes don't go into the syrup


beer is food here

German pizza with creme fraiche, bacon, potatoes and cheese

Curry wurst

Apple strudel

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 2: 2109 m, and some killer mushrooms!

cousin to the pfefferlinge

top again

The way down we foraged: porcinis

these not so good

prepping the porcini

tony and his porcini

a good one!

Berg Tour number 1, 1500 meter peak

buttermilch, I look frightened


German fun

beer fest in Kempten

Leather pants